Holy holy life
R. Gerritsen / B. Hay
Jessica, welcome home my lady
Five years gone my lady
Oh how I missed ya
Remember how we did shine
Stepping out of line
You left all day long
What’s wrong
What did they do to my babe
Somehow she’s not the same
Jessie I used to know(?)
Jessie I knew you so well
Do me
Do me like you did yeah
Roll me downhill yeah
Lead me through your river
What’s wrong
What happened to my babe
Cant be that much of a change
Jessica prove me i’m wrong
You were my world
You had the colors
You were the pearl
That overshadowed the others
Over again
Jessie welcome home my lady
Five years gone indeed
Oh whoah whoah how
I missed you
Jessie Jessica
Baby I missed ya
Welcome home lady
Welcome home